Do not bathe a calf in its mothers milk?

So what the hell does that mean? Lucky you asked because I just found out that meat and milk can’t be mixed so no cheeseburgers anytime soon. The phrase to me sounds like a really bad extrapolation but whatevs.

So yesterday was a long day….

Fun/ Not Fun

Not Fun: Moving, though I will admit it was a hundred times easier with a car.

Not Fun: All the walking here is sure to get me skinny cuz its ridic! Everything is so hilly

Fun: My roommates! They seem like the chill type and exceedingly friendly they are from UC Berkley and a NY school that I cant remember right now.

Not Fun: Grocery shopping. I just spent 230 shekels (which amounts to roughly $57 dollars )!! I blame my overspending on a lack of ability to read signs.

Fun: After our Orientation we went to get some food at the city center. I had some very tasty Shwarma pita which is basically lamb + Israeli salad + spices + pickles + humus = Dinner!

Fun: Bonding with some of the people in the group. We met some really friendly Australians and quite randomly their Program leader was Gal’s cousin. I now believe that there truly is six degrees of separation between people; it is such a friggin small world.

Fun: Trying to copy our Australian friend’s accents. Hilarity ensues. We ended up having a British accent somehow...


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