The Flight Part III


Short Summary: Left Turkey and entered Jerusalem.

Fun/ Not Fun:

Fun: So as I entered into the pre-screening (yes there is a pre-screening in Turkey to get to Jerusalem) line I was behind Gal and Gal of course was asked 2 questions since he is an Israeli citizen. The screener without looking up asks me if I have Israeli passport looks up and and say's never mind. I then ask him why I couldn't look Israeli and he saids its because I look more like J-Lo.

Not Fun: So we get to Jerusalem and I am in the line to get my stamp to enter the country. The mean screener lady (maybe they are supposed to be mean?) takes my passport and then after two questions none of which are "when are you leaving?" then demands to know why I don't have a visa. I of course fearing the inability to enter the country tell her that I thought I didn't need one she then says that I have to get one. After getting the stamp my relief turns into horror as I see that instead of the typical 3 months stamp she manually has the three crossed out and put a 1. I of course freak out and given the run around from three people. Finally the last person I talk to saids I need one too. So folks I might get deported. I'm kidding but I am in deep trouble if I don't get that fixed soon.


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